Why You Should Stay Off Social Media After an Accident

Social media is a great way to share big news, especially with friends and family members you may not see often. With the click of a button, you can easily “spread the word” about virtually any update in your life. However, platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are not where you should be posting any news related to your recent car accident. Let us explain why.

Social Posts Can Be Used Against You

Were you injured in an accident caused by a reckless or negligent driver? Have you filed a claim for compensation? Is your case going to court? Before posting anything on social media after an accident, ask yourself these important questions – because the answers could affect the outcome of your case.

Adjustors and attorneys will use any evidence they can to discredit your injury claim, and social media is one of the first places they’ll look to find it. A picture of you dancing at a party; a status update about going to the beach; even a dialog between you and a friend regarding your plans for the weekend could be used against you by a lawyer or insurance company trying to challenge your claim.

Until your case is settled, it’s best to avoid the following behaviors on social media:

  • Checking in and / or leaving reviews on apps like Yelp
  • Joining new groups or pages OR accepting new friend requests
  • Posting details about your accident, i.e. pictures, status updates, etc.
  • Disclosing your medical diagnosis and treatment regime after the accident
  • Sharing photos of you participating in physical activity of any kind, including traveling
  • Speaking negatively about the other driver, or about the other driver’s insurance provider

Your best bet at this time is to simply take your conversations offline and refrain from posting on social media until your case is over. And it wouldn’t hurt for your close friends and family to do the same, at least as it pertains to any posts involving you.

Protect Your Claim: Call Ilkhanoff & Silverstein Today

if you were injured in an accident caused by another driver, contact a York personal injury lawyer at our office. We help accident victims in Pennsylvania secure maximum compensation for their pain and suffering. Call us today at (717) 744-0531.

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