You and your spouse/partner/significant other may agree that it is best to go your separate ways and get a divorce and/or deal with child related matters. But you may be delaying the inevitable if you dread the costly, time-consuming, and emotionally draining litigated divorce proceedings. Well, you should know there are alternative divorce methods at your disposal. Namely, there is divorce arbitration and/or mediation. And if you need to find an arbitrator or a mediator for your upcoming proceedings, you have come to the right place. Please continue reading to learn how an experienced Pennsylvania family law arbitrator from Ilkhanoff & Silverstein can provide you with the proficient arbitration assistance you need.
The family law arbitrators at Ilkhanoff & Silverstein are 100 percent committed to all of our clients. We are always in your corner, wanting to help achieve an outcome that works in the best interest of you and your spouse alike. We understand firsthand how emotionally and financially taxing litigated divorce proceedings can be. So we want to do everything to make a successful arbitration possible.
Divorce arbitration is a private, consensual process that may allow you and your spouse to negotiate and settle your divorce and child-related issues without stepping foot in a courtroom. With this, you and your spouse or you and your partner may hire your respective lawyers and an arbitrator. An arbitrator is an impartial third party who listens to your and your spouse’s arguments and ultimately makes a legally binding decision.
So after you and your partner select an arbitrator, the rest of the process generally goes as follows:
You must understand that not every person/couple/situation is necessarily well-suited for an alternative divorce method like arbitration. However, it may work best for you and your partner if you have amicability as a foundation.
Arbitration may also be more appealing if you have demanding personal schedules and require flexibility with your sessions. There is also the fact that arbitration is typically more speedy and cost-friendly than litigation.
Now, mediation is similar to arbitration in many ways. But you may benefit more from the latter if you have reached a stalemate on your issues. This is because, again, an arbitrator may make this decision.
Before going into arbitration, you must know the changes made to the Uniform Family Law Arbitration Act (UFLAA), effective July 7, 2024.
For example, this Act now holds that an arbitrator must be an attorney, former attorney, or a senior judge and have completed five hours of instruction in domestic violence and child abuse.
Changes have also been made to how to initiate arbitration; what powers an arbitrator holds; how an arbitrator can confirm their awards; and more. To learn more about these provisions, simply click here or speak with a legal representative from our firm.
As you strongly consider the alternative divorce method of arbitration, it is important to have an arbitrator lined up already. Rest assured, you need not look further than one of our skilled Pennsylvania family law arbitrators. At your earliest possible convenience, please contact Ilkhanoff & Silverstein to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can help you through the arbitration process.
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