A woman wearing sunglasses sits in a car and blows into a breathalyzer held by a police officer standing outside the vehicle. The officer is holding a document in his other hand. The roadside checkpoint scene highlights the importance of consulting with a Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer if necessary.

York County, PA Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer

According to national statistics, drunk drivers are responsible for a significant percentage of car accidents that result in catastrophic injuries or fatalities. Pennsylvania personal injury law provides a legal remedy for anyone who has been injured by a driver who was operating their vehicle under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Most drivers are constantly alert and drive defensively. But when a drunk driver is behind the wheel of another vehicle, it may be impossible to avoid a collision. If you have been injured in an accident and the other party is under the influence, it is important to discuss your case with a knowledgeable drunk driving accident lawyer.  Our firm has been a legal resource for residents of York and Lancaster County for decades. Having the experience and skills you deserve, we are ready to protect your rights and fight for your future. Contact Ilkhanoff & Silverstein for a consultation today.

After An Accident With a Drunk Driver

If you are lucky enough to survive a DUI accident, stay calm. It is important to call the police and tell them you need medical attention. Driving under the influence is a serious crime. The police will be quite helpful in documenting the accident and establishing evidence that the other driver shouldn’t have been behind the wheel. They can also testify in court on your behalf. When medical professionals arrive, they will be able to document your injuries and get you the medical care you need. If you are seriously injured, go to the hospital and receive a full examination. If you are able, it may be good to collect information about the other driver, and the cars involved, take pictures of the accident, and get the contact information regarding the police officer and any other witnesses.

Dram Shop Laws in Pennsylvania

You may be able to hold other parties accountable for the accident. Establishments must serve alcohol responsibly. If the other driver was negligently served alcohol at a liquor store, bar, or restaurant, the server, bartender or owner may be held liable under Pennsylvania’s Dram Shop law if it can be found that an establishment served a visibly intoxicated customer and that service led to an accident involving property damage, serious injury, or death.

Compensation for a Drunk Driving Accident Injury

If you are successful in your lawsuit, you could be entitled to a range of damages, the compensation you could pursue after an accident. Damages are broken down into two forms; economic and noneconomic damages. Economic damages involve the financial impact of an accident. This can include medical bills, lost wages, and any other out-of-pocket expenses. Noneconomic damages are a bit more complicated. These damages are for the emotional turmoil and physical pain of the accident. Putting a fair price on that is something only a skilled attorney can do. If you are injured in a DUI accident, it is very important to make the right choice of attorney.

Contact a Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer Today

These complex cases require representation by a strong litigator. Insurance companies are always reluctant to fully compensate victims of such severe injuries and going toe-to-toe in a courtroom may be the best way to successfully resolve the case. Ilkhanoff & Silverstein has significant experience in handling a wide variety of accident and injury cases. Monetary compensation can never fully restore the time you have lost or make up for your pain. However, it can be a first step towards building a new future. If you have been seriously injured, contact Ilkhanoff & Silverstein for a free consultation.

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