A couple sits across from a mediation attorney in a suit at a wooden desk, engaged in a serious discussion. The office, with large windows and a bookshelf, features a statue of Lady Justice and a red book on the desk.

York County, PA Parenting Coordination Lawyer

When parents/caregivers split up, it presents a host of issues, and often, disagreements over custody matters arise. That said, some separating parents and their children can benefit from something known as “Parenting Coordination.” Continue reading to learn more about Parenting Coordination in Pennsylvania and how a seasoned York County family lawyer from Ilkhanoff & Silverstein can help.

What Are the Pennsylvania Rules on Parenting Coordination?

Parenting Coordination in Pennsylvania is governed by specific rules under the Pennsylvania Rules of Civil Procedure. Rule 1915.11-1 establishes the framework for appointing a Parenting Coordinator. Parenting Coordinators are neutral third parties assigned by the court to help parents resolve custody-related disputes that arise after a final custody order is in place. These disputes often involve everyday decisions about parenting schedules, extracurricular activities, healthcare, or other child-related matters.

It’s important to note that a Parenting Coordinator cannot make binding decisions about substantial legal or physical custody modifications. Instead, they focus on facilitating discussions and resolving more minor issues to reduce conflict and avoid repeated court appearances. Courts generally appoint Parenting Coordinators in high-conflict custody cases to ensure decisions are made efficiently while prioritizing the child’s best interests.

What Does a Parenting Coordinator Do?

Parenting Coordinators in Pennsylvania serve as a neutral mediator to help parents resolve disputes efficiently and cooperatively. Their primary purpose is to reduce tension and encourage collaboration in high-conflict custody situations, ensuring that decisions are made in the best interests of the child. Generally, Parenting Coordinators can provide help with the following:

  • Facilitating Communication: A Parenting Coordinator helps parents communicate effectively about their child’s needs, even in situations where personal conflicts may make cooperation challenging.
  • Resolving Day-to-Day Disputes: They address minor issues like schedule adjustments, pick-up and drop-off arrangements, holiday planning, and participation in extracurricular activities.
  • Making Recommendations: If parents cannot reach an agreement, the Parenting Coordinator may provide written recommendations to the court for final determination.
  • Providing Written Reports: They document their interactions, proposed resolutions, and any agreements reached, ensuring transparency throughout the process.

To engage a Parenting Coordinator, either parent can request their appointment, or the court can assign one directly. The process typically begins with an introductory meeting to set expectations and establish ground rules for resolving disputes. Working with a Parenting Coordinator can be a valuable tool for handling ongoing custody issues without frequent court involvement and extra expenses of litigation.

How Do I Know if Parenting Coordination is Right for Me?

Parenting Coordination can provide significant benefits for parents facing ongoing conflicts over custody matters. You may benefit from Parenting Coordination if:

  • You and your co-parent struggle to communicate effectively about your child’s needs.
  • Frequent disagreements over minor custody issues are leading to repeated court appearances.
  • You want to minimize the emotional toll of conflict on your child by fostering a more cooperative co-parenting dynamic.
  • You need help making decisions about scheduling, extracurricular activities, or healthcare matters.
  • You’re seeking a faster, less costly alternative to litigating minor custody disputes in court.
  • You want a neutral third party to provide guidance and ensure decisions are made in the best interest of your child.
  • You’re looking to create a more structured framework for co-parenting that reduces future conflicts.

If these scenarios resonate with your situation, Parenting Coordination could be a valuable resource. Consulting with a knowledgeable family lawyer can help you determine whether this process aligns with your goals and guide you in selecting the right Parenting Coordinator for your case.

Contact a Pennsylvania Parenting Coordination Lawyer

If you’re considering hiring a Parenting Coordinator for your situation, please don’t hesitate to contact a lawyer from Ilkhanoff & Silverstein today. We stand ready to effectively guide you through the process and work toward the best outcome possible on your behalf.

We also provide Mediation Services for all family matters. Why fight each other and drag your children into court when you can reach agreements by yourselves with the help of an experienced Mediator?

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