Pedestrian accidents have a variety of causes and can result in some serious injuries and even death. It is important to drive and walk safely to prevent unnecessary accidents with irreparable consequences. If you or someone you know needs representation, contact a York County, PA pedestrian accident attorney today.
Common Causes of Pedestrian Accidents
A plethora of dangers can cause pedestrian accidents. One or a combination of the below-listed causes can result in a collision between a vehicle and a pedestrian, causing serious injuries and even death.
- Speeding
- Driving under the influence
- Texting while driving or other distracted driving practices
- Texting while walking or other distracted walking practices
- Running a red light or stop sign
- Failing to yield the right of way to the driver or pedestrians, depending on the location and traffic lights
- Jaywalking or crossing where there is no marked crosswalk
- Low visibility due to poor weather conditions or darkness
- Illegal U-turns
Any of the above can result in a serious accident and injury. Depending on the details of the accident the pedestrian could even pass away due to their injuries. Although the causes listed are very different from one another, they are similar in the sense that they all cause a driver to be unaware of a pedestrian in the road or prevent drivers from having adequate time to react and stop when faced with an obstacle. Many injuries and deaths can result from the above reckless driving and walking practices.
What Injuries Are Commonly Sustained?
The injuries a pedestrian sustains after being struck by a vehicle will vary depending on certain factors. The severity of their injuries depends on where they were hit, how fast the car was traveling, where and how the victim landed, and more. The following are some of the most common injuries seen as a result of pedestrian accidents.
- Broken bones
- Fractures
- Concussions
- Traumatic brain injuries
- Spinal cord injuries
- Soft tissue damage
The potential severity of these injuries is the reason that it is important to exercise caution while driving and walking to avoid an accident.
How Can I Prevent an Accident?
A tragic part of pedestrian accidents is that most of them are avoidable. Drivers should consider the following safety tips to prevent a pedestrian accident.
- Always follow the posted speed limit to allow yourself ample time to recognize a hazard and stop or swerve to avoid it. Reduce your speed when approaching an intersection or crosswalk where pedestrians commonly appear
- Obey traffic laws while driving. Stop when required, look for pedestrians before turning, avoid distracted driving, do not drink and drive, and do not make illegal turns.
- Pay close attention when the weather is bad or when it is dark out. You should always exercise caution especially when driving with low visibility.
Pedestrians can also help prevent accidents by following these safety tips.
- Stay on the sidewalk when possible and avoid walking in the road unless it is to cross.
- Cross the street at marked crosswalks and do not jaywalk.
- Avoid distractions while walking like texting or reading.
- Wear bright or reflective clothing when walking at nighttime or in poor weather conditions.