UPDATE (May 29, 2020) Please read our message below to learn more about how we will phase into the new normal for our office as we look towards opening our doors in the near future.Â
As the Coronavirus situation continues to evolve, we know it is on the minds of our clients. We believe it’s important to share the steps we are taking to keep everyone safe and ensure that their legal needs are met.
First and foremost, as required by the state, we have closed our physical doors, but we are open for business.
We are set up so that you can arrange to have your appointment done remotely (SKYPE/FACETIME) or just by using the plain old telephone if you desire.
Your safety and privacy for your matters are paramount to us and we are committed to providing you with our services in a safe manner.
Finally, thanks for the opportunity to serve you. Thank you for continuing to use Ilkhanoff & Silverstein for your legal needs.
Best in health to all,
Bernard Ilkhanoff & Paula Silverstein
And all of us at Ilkhanoff & Silverstein, PC