stack of papers

The idea of burning your marriage license or divorce decree once your divorce is final may sound freeing. However good it may feel to do so, it is not recommended to get rid of any important paperwork from your marriage or divorce. Even if you believe you will never have to think about your ex or the relationship again, you never know what will happen in the future. There are many instances where you may need to prove the validity of your marriage or divorce or reference information located in the paperwork. A York County, PA divorce attorney can help you navigate the divorce process and offer insight into the most important documents to keep track of. Contact a skilled lawyer today for more information.

How Long Do I Need to Keep My Divorce Records?

Much to people’s dismay, you generally should keep your divorce records forever. If you don’t have certain documents you should obtain them and store them in a safe place. Copies of your divorce judgment and other documents can be obtained from the County Clerk. You should make copies of certain documents and keep the originals of others.

Make space for your documents in a secure place like a locked safe, fireproof lockbox, storage unit, etc. The paperwork you are given during the process of your divorce can be extensive but it is better to be safe than sorry so do not give in to temptation by throwing away or shredding your divorce records.

What Documents Are the Most Important to Keep?

Many important legal decisions are made during a divorce and the paperwork you walk away with likely details it all. While you should hesitate to get rid of any documents, the following are the most important to keep.

Your divorce decree is one of the most important documents to keep safe. The divorce decree is the last piece of paperwork issued by the judge. It officially terminates your marriage and outlines the terms of your divorce agreement. If you run into any issues with your former spouse not abiding by the conditions of your divorce, having evidence of the legally binding contract can be beneficial.

It is also important to keep track of your marriage license. Even though you are no longer married, you could be audited or need to show proof of the relationship. You may also be able to receive Social Security benefits if you can prove that your relationship lasted 10 years or longer.

If you had appraisals done on your home or property during the divorce process it can be beneficial to keep that information. If you decided to sell your property later it is useful to know what the value was at the time of your divorce.

Also, keep financial records including spousal support and child support payments. Any monetary exchange between you and your ex is important to note.

Consult an attorney or legal professional before getting rid of any legal documents. You don’t want to find yourself in a few years time rooting around for that one piece of information only to realize that it went out with the trash. Contact a skilled lawyer today to discuss your situation.